Australia to Review NH90 Program, Cancels Watercraft

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today updated the Projects of Concern list, announcing the cancellation of the LCM2000 Watercraft project.

LCM 2000 Watercraft

This project was approved by the previous Government in 1997 and involved the construction of six watercraft for the Landing Platform Ships Kanimbla and Manoora.
The project has suffered a number of problems. Most critically, the dimensions and weight of the watercraft meant they were unsuitable to be launched from these ships and are not fit for alternative Australian Defence Force use.
Accordingly, the project has been canceled and Defence will now begin plans to dispose of the vessels.

MRH-90 Helicopter

Mr Smith and Mr Clare also announced that a high-level comprehensive diagnostic review of the MRH-90 helicopter project would occur this month.
As reported in both the Defence Annual Report and the ANAO Major Project Report released last year, the project has suffered delays of 12 months for the Navy’s helicopters and 18 months for the Army’s helicopters.

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